Answers include John, Johnny or Jonathan 1) Choose the best 2) In black and white, can be seen at a football match or the Grand National. Many thanks in anticipation
I have purchased a new TV, the VCR and Sky digibox are linked together as they were with the old TV and connected to the new TV with a scart. The terrestrial channels and the Sky channels are OK but...
I've completed majority of crossword - just stuck on a few... Any help most appreciated! 23a - Blow up the extraterrestrial's changing area (6) A-R--- 24a - Screwed up dentists beginning to get around...
2d Landed on border when touring eastern county 7 ??????m 3d Old cricketers, with time,become rusty 7 0?????e 4d close a road in awkward surroundings 9 n?????d?y 18d didn't at all like the church...
Can anyone help. I am looking for a clematis that is named after someone ... celebrity / actress. If not clematis then a popular flowering plant preferably a female name and fairly modern. ( not roses...
22A Base of a word, to which inflectional affixes are added? 37A Studio or workshop of an artist? 19D Pad in a piano that prevents the vibration of strings? Many thanks for any help
Is the answer to 6d SEQUESTER (cant find anything else to fit) also I'm stuck on 20d x-rated commercial usually lacks taste to begin with ?D?L? any help greatly appreciated
link words :--swallow dive.toffee apple.signature tune and swan --- ?[for some unknown reason I have tundra,] must have gone wrong on Sat ? also help needed 20a study of history & proper names...
I am terrible at anagrams but I keep trying Theme is baby items and I have tried two anagram sites. 1. Cat Ears 2. Rabid Page 3. The Clean Bag 4. Bail Boy 5. Radial Pipe
Own up & take the punishment 4,3,5. Place selling hot drinks 6,4. Dictionary, Roget's, maybe 9. Acting without feeling or passion 2,4,5. Can't solve, please help.