I am stuck on one question. Wasn't sure whether to post it here or in another section as it's historical and geographical really. Here goes, if anyone has any ideas I would be very grateful, it was...
11a: Making huge sacrifice, both came in poor shape ... : ?e?a?o?b. (It looks like an anagram of 'both came', but even so I can't work it out!!) Thanks in advance for any help.
Hi Can anyone help me with these. We get our paper in Canada a week after you guys in the UK! 15A "winter cherry" s- - a - - -, 11D "A small flavoured sweet or lozenge for chewing" - ys - - l - e. TXS
Firstly ....hope you all had a good Christmas..and best wishes for a great New Year. Back to routine of crosswords!!! Can anyone help get my blank mind started...11a test this number and more (6,4)...
All the answers are creatures great and small I leave spicy sausage and hesitate (10) Strange clooted ear lobe (8,6) Birds seen in subtitles (8) Found in thriving numbers (3) Provide column (11)...
40. nearly married King gets low back it is five letters and somethingto do with a party i thought it might end with wol, low backwards, but may be on the wrong track any help would be really...
Greetings from new member to this life saving site. 4D "Stupid directors use it promptly 5,5." I think the first word may be Idiot, the second might be board, but Idiot board sounds lame.