1a lean to one side then lean back in part .of Plane perhaps....cockpit?
Having been away from Paul for some time, I am having difficulty..help appreciated...
26a and in France put one's foot in it first, it's hollow(6) s_c_e_
5a last character with Italian leader took the right instrument(6) -i---r
Last two and need help to confirm if I have the right answers 7d) Turn up to create empty colour (4) ?u?e think it must be puce (turn up pu but why the ce ... e for empty?, c for colour?) 34d) Otters...
Last ones help please
12 across...capable of manipulation ..W?R?A???
7 down ..coincide partially with ..O?E???P
13 down ..alliance ..?R?E?D?H?P
26A Sigma ?
22d Spanish equivalent of shandy,half beer,half lemon soda C?a?a
42a Type of rhetorical attack directed at an opponent's character ?d ?o?i???
1a clear of trees ,author Daniel gathers rare stone (8) 13a iffy science sadly lacks satisfactory expertise (10) 15a incline to follow grooms party wear (8,5) 19a first sons right, anxiously peering...