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16d Denial said to break promise to a trainee. D?S?V?T? Any help greatly appreciated....
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3d Shouting for a decade,having wind R?A?I?G / ?O?T?E? Any help greatly appreciated, I suspect it is staring me in the face....
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Crusader. 3a Asian river has wrong, if constant, supply of water 7 & 7 C?I?E?E ???T?R? i WANT TO SAY CHINESE POTTERY? Any comments please....
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Gloomy stallholder is a criminal, 5 and 9 letters ????? ????E?E??. Heaven has difficulty finding right building 10 letters, ?S?S?????R. Speaking freely and starting to shoot 7 and 2 letters ????I?G ??...
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Stuck on 2 clues 21ac Land or something to manage it ??a?t?r 20d Fastening in series ???i?g Feeling that they are very obvious, but can't see it Any help greatly appreciated....
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Game for more thane one 13? D?C?S Think it's Ducks? Confirmation please....
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Clean beach to have a good time 9 letters S?N??????. Rent a tale out in a swap 9 letters, A?Y?R?A??. Old king used panel hook 7 letters, G?????L. Reliance nowadays, on speech9 letters, ????C?I??...
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9d support forecast that's shown on screen, 4, 10 back ?r?c?????? 23a reliance nowadays on speech 9 a????????...
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17a I call role into play as a repellent. Convinced it's an anagram but can't see it. Any help please
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hi . can anyone help 21a- in physics a measurable amount or degree of a property such as force or brightness(9) have got ---e-s---. thanks
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2d. Visiting about my bingo plan. (think it could be coming by.)Any help greatly accepted.
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is it just me, or is anybody else's crossword up the spout! both blanks and numbering.
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Last clue, any help greatly appreciated
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Any help please, want to say 'back'

1 to 14 of 14