Any help appreciated
30a Knight of the Round Table G - R - L - T
31a I - - - O - E
29d A contrivance for turning spit I - - - O - E
Completely stuck
Last 6 out of the hundred: it doesn't give you the number of letters. 6 S- on a G- 100 L- on a C- 21 S- on a D- 200 P- for P- G- in a M- 2000 P- in a T- T- B- 7 E- on a F- P- P- Any thoughts most...
1D.Courtyard surrounded by cloisters(5)g?r?h. 26D.River that rises in northern France, flows through Belgium and the Netherlands and empties into the north sea.(7)s?h???t. 35A. In physics, to convert...
Scotsman Factfinder. Still struggling with last two. 6d. C - R - (4). A coal-miner's basket, now usually a tub or trolley. It must be 'CART'. Can't confirm anywhere, though. 32a. - S - I - A - I - A -...
Not usually stuck with this crossword, but these two baffle me: 5d. Fixed location had been copied out (9) A - P - - - T - D and 12a.: Old school subject dealing with stale news (7, 7) A - C - E - T -...
Help please! 39d A type of puzzle which uses pictures to represent words, names or parts of words (5) R_B_S. 54d Ancient town in Galilee where Christ is said to have performed his first miracle by...
Stuck on these last 2 clues,any help would be appreciated.Thank you.
21 across- Dog hides tail after phosphorus feed(9)P?O?E?D??
20 down-Big fish-both sides consumed by chief(6)????I?...
Stuck on the bottom left-hand corner. Any help much appreciated 17a A member of a group of tribes of souther Brazil ... - - - KAN - 23a. A decoration on a dress ... - - - MA - E 30a. A genus of...
The picture is a sandstone bridge which can be found in a country that is also home to an ancient rock-carved city. The question asks "name the country". The city must be Petra which is in...