I moved in with my partner recently who owns his house. We are now interested in moving to a new build hopefully part exchanging his house. We both realise that he'll get less than the market value....
I have just started my own online tutoring business and want to reach as many customers as possible. As of yet I have no customers. Any ideas how I can reach customers for free. Iam doing maths...
We have only lived in this property a few months, and we are in the middle of some extension building work. The plumber informs us that the central heating system (oil fired) has been connected up so...
Can anyone advise me on preparing a Schedule of Loss for an Employment Tribunal. It is under the Disability Discrimination Act. Unfortunately Legal Advice is not freely available for Employment Issues...
Ive got a really boring bathroom; white suite and completely tiled in white, and really want to take away the clinical look it has. Ive tried looking for tile transfers but can only find cheesy ones...
We have recently moved into a property and now find we have some damp (Our own fault we didnt have a survey as we were paying cash )It seemed dry when we came to look around which was january and the...
I'm currently looking to put my house up for sale and want to pay as little as possible for the agent. They are asking for 1.5% plus VAT. Any ideas on how to negotiate the fee to get it as low as...
She was stopped a wages payment last week because someone stole ?70 out of the till. there are upto 4 workers in the shop at any one time. Is this a legal move by the employer, or not. I am fuming...
Mrs Scoob here, I was told the best thing to clean our leather settee is LUX soap flaxes, we were told this by a saleswoman in SCS where we bought it. Has anyone else heard or tried this and if so...
Hi I am going to hang a picture frame in my kitchen with no picture or glass in (ie just the frame itself). I intend to paint the wall inside the frame area with blackboard paint. Any ideas how to...
Does anyone know of something which can be used for task lighting in kitchen for partially sighted lady - she only has 2 sockets which are in use - is there something that can stick on the underneath...
hi all , just wondering if anyone can shed some light on my mams situation. She has a bought house and is paying a mortgage alone on hardly no income as my dad died therefore losing his income! She...
I live in a rural area and there are lots of private roads. (I live on one myself) However a short distance from where I live there is a public right of way which borders a private lane. Someone who...
I have a 2 year old rescue staffie. She is adorable but has very red skin on her belly and ears . It comes and goes. I noticed that when she had been leaning on my husbands jacket in the car she had a...
My neighbours bungalow forms one of the boundarys of our property. They have 2 windows one in the kitchen and one in a pantry that overlook our garden back door and hall window. Would we be able to...
We need to replace our windows and I was wondering if any of you have had this done recently. I want to know if it will be really messy as I have just finished decorating a couple of rooms.