30a film based on tenessee williams 27 wagonloads of cotton.B***D*L* S (4,4) 34a japanese sword guard often highly ornamental. *S*** (5) thanks. haven't been able to get on site all day yesterday.
2d george....... dramatist , author of head of the family *B*O*T 35d south african dialect now called sotho B*S*T* 37d in ancient greece a young male citizen from 18 to 20 years E*H*B* thanks for any...
14a. a horny, tooth-bearing strip on the tongue of molluscs used for rasping food.R*D*L* 34a on the ship, also a technical nautical term for alongside(a vessel) A*O*R* 37a. a note ,rarely used,...
last two, would appreciate the help. Thanks. 35a In botany,the small, fleshysections, or drupes, making up a fruit such as a blackberry(5) *C*N* 37d Plant with aromatic leaves used as herbs(5) *A*I*....