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what is your fave song intro, i still love bittersweet symphony.
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Me and my friend were talking about this when we were out last night. I had just got up quite early and put TV on about 8.30am to Tony Blair giving a speech, thought it was someone important like Mrs...
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At what age is is alright to send a boy to the men's room alone? There comes a time when they are too old to enter the ladies room; however, I worry about the perverts that may be in the men's room.
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are females put off a bloke if he drives a pile of junk? eg my cortina?
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Hi. I've been having really bad "depressive episodes" recently, and I've noticed the last one happened just 3 weeks ago, and today I'm feeling "it" again. I've just been out for a quick meal with my...
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At what price will the shares be floated next week?
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fate do you or dont you believe in it and why?
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What was your highlight or memorable moment of the World Cup?
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what is your favour make-up tip or beauty treat?
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The Tree
I know every once in awhile a question will come up here asking what everyones fave songs are.what i want to know is what is everyones fave songs that has personal meaning for them.or any that you...
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i am so fed up with my life at the moment i have a 10 month old son so i dont get out much iv been single about a year and im clamping on weight everydays the same and its harder getting out of bed in...
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ive just come back from shopping with my brother he has a disabled badge as he has ms and finds it hard to work very far,well we couldnt find a space anywhere,i got out and went looking round,you know...
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First timer here so sorry if a bit long winded but... My 7yr old boy, who is doing really well in his class at school, has been suffering at the hands of a boy same age as him for the past 9 mths. My...
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i have written in previously regardin this bloke i was seeing. in a post a few weeks ago i told how he had texted sayin he saw it as a sexual thing but was liking me more and more recently. since then...
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What are your top 3 things that bug you about us men.
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Headless Rat
Had a date last week with a guy, last Thursday to be precise!All went well (or so I thought!). Ended the date by having a good, passionate kiss and went our separate ways.Problem is I havnet heard...
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i know this is not a question but i would just like to say to my dad GET WELL SOON POPS xx he introduced me to answerbank and i have been hooked eversince, he has recently had a stroke, and is in...
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which do u prefer lol"! ;o)
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We are taking our 16 yr old son and his friend also 16 on holiday to Greece this year. They want to go off and do their own thing and as its our first holiday together since we've been together my...

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