last one to go. 23d. michael ----- wing back on westmeaths 2004 leinster winning football team, managed by the late paidi o se. 5 letters. - n - i -
11a. change the class system 6 letters r - f - - - 21a. .... when never repeated 4 letters o - - - 15a. shaped like the 9th which is rainbow. says narcissue when sun is out 4 letters a - -c - Is it...
3d. familiar with a former governerator? 5 letters. - r - i - 7d. little known character from dickens curiosity shop 4 letters. - e - l 22a. the ........object of obsession in J.B. Kanes play 5...
grid 1. 16d. sparkle 7 letters. - h - t - e - 21d. shared 5 letters. - o - n - grid 2. 1a. unfavourable position 12 letters. d - - - d - a - t - - - 12a. pathetic quality 6 letters. - a - h - s 14d....
21 and 22 d. nickname of the 10th earl of kildare, instigator of the kildare rebellion 2 six letter words. - - - k - - ( - - - m - - ) 23a. foul smellig watery discharge from a wound or ulcer. 5...
1a. salad vegetable 5 letters... sorry no letters placed. 0a. an old house of conviction 9 letters - - - - - - e - l 15a. root vegetables 8 letters. - i - - - i - - 16d. vegetables with small bulbs...
8a. make a stylish impression ( 3, i and 4 ) letters. - u - a - a - h 13a sea transport. ( 3 and 5 letters ) c - r ( - e - - - ). 7d. Part of a city barricaded off. ( 2 , 2 and 4 letters ) - o - o - -...
4d. a very remote place, (3,4,2, and 6 letters ) sorry the only etters i hav placed are the last word - - y - n - on the slightest provocation (2,3,4,2,1,3 letters -- - h - d - - - - - - - - -...
13a. cynical acronym describing customry disarray/ 5letters. s - a - u. 14a. in ancient greece, members of a class of unfree men, above slaves, owned by the state 6 letters - e - o - s thanks in...
7a. variety of domestic pigeon having black and white plumageand a ridged peak. 3 letters - - n
7d translatyion of the japanese name for japan 6 letter - - p - o -
thanks in advance....