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9. What word ends with an S in its plural masculine form, but changes to singular feminine when another S is added to the end? There are now two examples of this 10. Every cent paid me (anag) (Quids...
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1. What upper case (capital) letter of the English alphabet (in plain sans serif font) requires that the pen be lifted from the paper twice (providing no lines are re-traced) 2. Costumier? (anag)...
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Does anybody know which of these designers is hosting the Liberty Christmas concept please Jean Touitou Luella Bartley Junya Watanbe
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1. work to locate resistance (10) _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ O _ 1dn some superior female fish (4) 4dn high chair (6) _ )_ _ _ N _ 2dn read through according to american newsman (7) _ _ _ _ S _ D
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anyone know answers to 3 and 4 please? 1. Katie Green 2. MC Skat Cat 3. 2525 plus 13 plus 6 4. No idea where this statue is
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22 dn optic ......x-shaped structure at the bottom of the brain (7) _ H _ A _ M _ - I have CHIASM but that's only 6 letters. Last one.
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in the volleyball schene, how many lads are wearing sunglasses? I haven't got this movie.
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Not good at these cryptic ones but thought i'd have a bash 15ACpart of sudden ovation is for the star(4) _ _ _ _ 12Dn fine shot (7,4) P _ _ _ _ _T_ _ _ C _ 25ac travelling considerable distance to...
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Stuck on the destination this week. Pakistan lies to the west, Gujarat lies to the south and the state capital is renowned for it's pink buildings. Name the state please.
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19d Descendent of Herod the Great (7) A _ R _ P _ A Agrippa?
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57ac Grants (7) A_ -_ _R_S 58 dn Hardy breed of pony (9) _ _ N _ E _ A _ A might have gone wrong somewhere
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Anyone got the link words from Saturday's paper please. I've thrown away my precious bit of paper.
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21 down, clue FORMER two words O _ E _ I _ E
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Under SOUP - name of a soup with the clue TO APE AN ANIMAL Under DESSERT, name of a dessert with the clue SEEN COURTING IN THE PARK Under DRINKS, name of a drink with the clue PRETENDED ANGUISH Hope...
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17 down highly transparent glass (7) _ R _ _ _ A _
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8ac aromatic plant of mint family (5) _ __ _ _ L 15ac barely sufficient (5)S _ _ _ _ 24ac acid loving plant (6) A_A_ _ _ 36ac Rebel (9)_ _ I_ E 7dwn written law(&) S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9dwn cormorant with...
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What kind of fantastic reference library do you access? Where on earth do manage to find out such obscure answers? Are you the original Mr Memory Man???
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8 across Collected (7) - R - - - - - 5 down Addition (10) - - - - -e - e - t 11 across Staff (4) first letter 4th letter of "addition" answer above and third letter = 4th letter of answer for "aver"...
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Does anyone know how much two four-packs of heinz beanz at Lidl are at the moment please?

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