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Any help with the following would be much appreciated: 32. Brightly coloured flapper puts in an appearance around a court (6) 41. Butterflies that travel upside down in Reading?(8,6) 53. Did appear to...
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All answers relate to Money. Any hints please re the following; He opened at new casino but was master of this (5,4) and Loaf around for a while? (5,5)
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29d. Pair of accidentals used to raise or LOWER the pitch of a note by two semitones. Double sharp will fit, but it only raises, not LOWERS. Any ideas? - it's the only one I need
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28. Nick was well-versed by words Alice spelt out (7, 4) Mahler
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Anyone made a start? I got S=16 ; A= 49 & R=52 but 1down then requires U* - U to = 24 which seems impossible! Mahler
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22across: Produce nearly concealed -E-R-T First timer

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