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My daughter had swollen glands in her groin and had a blood test which showed her white cell count was only. I thought it would have been raised. She's had it repeated today. She's very tired and...
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have you ever wake up with them bullfrogs bules ?
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hello people i am new here, i have recently found out that someone close has an illness, i wont go into details but its making me think and rethink about life in general, none of us know what could...
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If I want to do the 5km Race for Life this year, can anyone suggest a training plan (overweight and unfit)? Please don't direct me to a running website as I have looked at it's all a little OTT for...
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Due to the credit cruch / lack of job etc situation I am in at the moment I can't afford to go and have my hair done as I usually would as it costs quite a bit so I was in Sainsburys the other day and...
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I am suffering from horrendous night sweats and have done for the last two years. I do have Thyroid issues and depression but these are not one of the side effects. Does anyone have any idea what...
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One of the local pubs is up for rent after about a year . Years ago on a Sat night you could not get near the bar. Now on Sat night there are about 4 people in. How many pubs have died near you ??
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Right where do i start, well, a warning, this is a bit of a rant. Was meant to have my CBT today, well i was up on time but the taxi driver did not surface until 8:30 despite a cup of tea being placed...

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