I thought that NCIS was coming back on the 5th October, but that does not seem to have happened. Can anyone tell me when it will return and its offshoot NCIS LA?
I know the crossword is cancelled but I would still like to finish it. 116a Acknowledgement of a telling remark (6) and 117d Weird sect (4). Thanks everyone.
Am I, or are there others, who think that the continuining battles between Tracey/Steve/Deirdre, which have been going on for years, are spoiling the programme. Perhaps it's the writers who cannot...
Ineed help to complete the Big One which I had given up on. Please help. 83a Joyful (8); 75d Musical performance (9); 84d 4 sided guitar (7). All help gratefully accepted.
I can do with some help on a few today. 118a Unfavourable situation (12); 66a rebel (I have r?se) (4); 52d fruit boiled with sugar (8), that's it. All help gratfully acepted.