Last one and at nearly 12 midnight I want to finish. Can any help please? 79a all existing things (8). the letters I have (which must be wrong) are u-o-e-s-. Thank you.
If David Cameron is trying to adopt the American way of handling the riots, could he not also and most definately adopt their law whereby if a person is under 18 then the parent(s)/guardian is...
Does anyone find the Meercats adverts getting better and better. I must admit they make my day. The co-ordination is so good, particularly when the man goes to pat the meercats head. I cannot remember...
I need the answers to 83a quite large (7) and 52d repetitious slogan (5) I have a c to start and t to finish. Also 72d mainly (7). All help gratefully accepted. thank you.
I have a few left so I could do with your help. I have knackered for 48a exhausted (9) therefore have weakly for 40d Poor, wretched (6), but with these what is 29d s - i - - k? Peg, plug (6)? Once...
I'm finding the crossword very difficult today, my mind is just not working. I need help on a few but in particular - 27a chat, gossip (8); 8a disk item (11). If I had the answers to them perhaps I...