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And a Good Morning to all and sundry today - hope the sun is shining brightly and we're all feeling equally cheerful, full of the joys, etc !!!!! I notice we're getting through August at a great rate,...
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And a bright good morning to everyone, particularly all those who successfully survived the coach trip to (S)'s place last night, especially he and his Mum, when they all landed on his doorstep !!!...
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3D - Classical writer of Lake Wobegone - E?O The only thing which I can come up with is ego but the justification is a bit obscure.
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I shall make this short and sweet or "someone" will post at the same time and there will be a little confusion !!! on this site - never !!!! The challenge is as always to match Kate's choices over the...
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This month has really flown by and already we are at the business end, so to speak, and in order to keep at least one jump ahead of the early rising Aquagility thought I'd better get an early start...
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Good morning to all, and I'm pleased to report a lovely bright sunny day in my part of the world, though the chill factor is somewhere down round my ankles !!! ah well, it's winter so what can one...
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And Good Morning to everyone - thought I'd get an early start now that Aquagility is back in town, wondering where to deposit his 'pearls of wisdom' - well we can't let that sort of situation go...
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Good morning, Steff. Good morning, all. Here are your link words, crisp and hot to your tables. Emerald Plum Wellington Brown And the best of luck with that little lot.
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18D (2,4) ?u ?a?t - On German isle in the know.
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Yes, this is the final weekend to make that big push for the top of the heap for this month !!! Oh dear, I've thought all along this makes the months go faster, and now I'm sure - is this a good thing...
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Week 4 already !!! Time went by fast enough, now it's reached warp speed, each weekend arrives long before I've recovered from the last. This weekend is arriving sooner than usual, and I shan't be...
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16d - Harry gads about at elevated Swiss resort. G?T?A?
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Good morning all and welcome to the KM Links Game coming to you live from a universe somewhere close by !! Yes the little green men with 4eyes and 6 antennae are coming your way armed with lots of -...
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Another week has flown past and the weekend is already here - time to break out the grey cells and try to match it with Kate. In a short while one of the early risers will [ hopefully ] post the link...
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A little on the early side I know, however - Good morning one and all and welcome to a new month and a new KM Links Game. Our modest King Aquagility has warned us he is going AWOL, walkabout, and...

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