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AB Asks
It's good to see that the police have detained people in the wake of the terrorist incidents in London and Glasgow. Naturally the papers have been full of reports about people's safety in Britain. Do...
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what type of animals do you all have and what are there names ? im just so nosy
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AB Asks
Celebrity couple Preston and Chanelle's marriage breakup is yet another short lived celebrity relationship. What do you think about role models giving up on marriage so easily? Should celebrities...
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Hi Lovelies :-) I'm a bit stressed, and I have put this in R+S because I feel it's my spirit that's being stamped on. I love to just lay here in bed at night, with the night lights, and the stars and...
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I was just thinking, I shower every morning, without fail. I probably spend about 10-15 mins in there as I exfoliate, was my hair, wash my face etc.... but over the course of the year, that's 365...
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Why are women more moody than men?I know they blame the old monthlies , rag week.But apart from that theyre moaning the rest of the month too.So is it an inbuilt failing in women?Or is it deliberate...
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Hi all !. Somebody i know (Lol) is having a bit of toilet trouble and wondering if the correct term is constipation and curable with off the shelf laxatives. There is no problem with the 'need to go...
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Just wondering if she is OK....... Sorry for posting this, but my email account is not working at moment.
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Black Noir
If you could fill a bus with undesirables and people that generally get on your tats and push it over a cliff - who would you put on your bus? Mine would be: Lisa Scott Lee Chris de Burgh Melana (from...
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Okay, love is blind, and to top that off, with me, it can't count either. I have been with my partner for just over a year now. Don't get me wrong, I love him to death, so that's not what I'm here to...
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Oooo-I am STEAMING!! he and his new partner(Faithless I call her) are going off to bloody Majorca tomorrow. And i have to remember all the times he went on his ****** buisiness trips and came back...
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after being diverted to adverts by an interesting question in the recent post box, tut, this is not going to work ed. Who else goes into alien territory on here?
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it is quite a painstaking process, and a very skilled task, one that most people would only have done if they were going on holiday or something else special. imagine paying ?40 for a full set and the...
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After 20 years together my mum & 'step-dad' today decided they are going to get married, sadly they haven't had the greatest times together as he was diagnosed with MS in 1991 & confined to a...
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Rude Gabriel - something to do with TV You still there, 1955? x x
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What does the sequence - red, blue, white, black, orange have in connection with sport?
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Small Manchester United Fans - something to do with TV ? ?
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I have just attained a Forensic Science BSc (Hons) Upper Second Degree. Specialising in Crime Scenes, Biology and Anthropology. Which sounds cool to all the CSI fans out there, but I am struggling to...
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i'M BORED :o( Stuck at work all week, with boss away on business and my job officially handed over - what is a girl to do now!?! I have NO work at all....not even like i can talk to new girl because i...

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