8 across edgar rice- auther of the barsoom and pelluciidar books ?u?r????? 3 down french composer of the opera fra diavolo ???e? 4 down former pakistani prime minister assassinated in 2007 ?????o 5...
peppermint would help, should be better that B&B young lady and mans name oil and water, long war to get there joyous part of week north sea side like cows tail (Anagram) -hate lifts talk on phone &...
Does anyone know the answer to the following quiz questions??? 3. They're not married (9) 5. You wouldn't want to eat this (6,3) 8. Monty Python might complain to them (3,4,4) 20. Were once Drifters...
All the answers are mammals, reptiles, birds and insects found in the British Countryside. 2. Drop B from a piece of jewellery (5) 5. Sounds like a Feline on the front grid (7) 19. Is an SLR required...
Ok, so I've just got back from having a meal with my family which happened to include one of the strangest events I think I've witnessed! We were just parking the car when two shiny black cars swung...
Very late getting started today. Still have 7 unanswered. would really appreciate a helping hand or hands' Everyone else seems to be long since finished. 4d horses hoof part -r-g 42A moon deity t-o-h...
P I played by Mr Sinatra . 4 letters She retired in 1997 after being given the nickname the great white whale. 8 letters what comes next Athens Paris London Stockholm 5 letters Thanks in advance
Hi everyone intense fear or suspicion, often baseless 8 letters ?a???o?a type of transfer: 5 letters de??? the retrieval of information from a computer's memory 4 & 3 letters r?a? o?t ? read out...
Can you help with the following please? 1. What colour is the liqueur calliano, (I dont think it is a mistake for Galliano - but not sure) 2. What colour were London's first pillar boxes (I have...
Help please on my last 5 to do. Some may have been aswered already but it's hard to know with the search facility being down as it is. 36 First fill in form to earn extra numbers 48 This makes one...