1. A need to include fifty covered in oil (6) ----e- 2. Something fishy that is of help to the sportsman (6) -----e 3. Abandon royal dignity (8) a------- 4. The least one can do (7) -----u- 5. He...
I can't see how to get a couple of the answers: 26A Some food - there's a lot of bits by the river (4): I think the answer is LEES, and LEE is a river, but I can't get any further. 20D Trouble gay...
There are 3 clues here that I can't understand. Can anyone explain the answers? 16A Prince leaving posh car in reverse? Yes (3). Answer: YAH (Yes). How was the rest of the clue done? 28A High marks...
Just wondered what other ABers do when a quiz is completed. I have three now that have return dates in September. I don't know whether to pin them on my noticeboard or return them early. What do you...
Took my 2 yorkies to the groomers this morning, she gave them a number 2 trim, I filled the paddling pool for them.
I swear they are smiling in gratitude at me.
Ok, yes I know, I am silly....
1. Is elected to boards? (4,2) ----,-n 2. Servant trouble makes them harder to run nowadays (7) ----r-- 3. Unusual way to serve meat (4) ---- 4. Fail to understand decimals correctly? (4,3,5)...