thank you for previous answers coddle makes 11a incorrect any help on this one? 11a (8) in spite of that nearyl everything was considered endlessly-l--d-gh
I'm huge fan of the Terminator series and Arnie himself but I can't help feeling he's going to look a bit past it in T5. What do you think?...
stuck,as ever,so please help an old duffer,
4d,6.he takes a bow near Chertsey houses.a-c-e-
21a,bleating's dreadful-it can be 26,(8).ta-g-b-e(?)
many thanks...
I'm trying to remember the name of the free office suite other than "Open Office" and based on the Lotus Suite. It was mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I looked it up at the time but didn't download...
Hi, I think I have all the Link Words but I am having trouble unscrambling the final word, anyway the letters I have are:-
The clue is English Town...any ideas??