Would be grateful for help in finishing this week's crossword, I have three left, please help:- 16A Make attractive design? No good for clothes (6) I have E?D?A? Is this ENDEAR and if so how does it...
18ac poets article attracted proposal (6,6) ?N?R?W, ?O???N Andrew Coburn fits, but I cannot see why.... 16d alternative numbers in river showing split personality (8) ?U?O?C?E U depends on Coburn, and...
22A: Deep watering hole the hub for watering (5) I _ N _ R. The answer must be INNER but how on earth does that work? Can anyone tell me what the definition part is, and how the rest of the clue is...
In my excitement realizing that YOU had reinstated the postal entries, I did the xword and put the mag in the bin. Can anyone tell me what letter I have to count please?
4dn hierarchy of different living things (4&5) f?o?, ???in, 10ac cd or dvd storage case with paperbinding outer & 12ac village half way between norwich and great yarmouth (4) ??le thanks...