Can anyone tell me if there is any difference in the food values of red, green, yellow or orange peppers? I know it makes the food look colourful, but I was wondering if it makes any difference to...
Completely stuck on the bottom right hand corner so can offer few letters. 15D: Fell away from lair (7) [First letter may be H]; 20D: Girl under directions to succeed (5); 21D: What he says, goes!...
11 across - 'Scanty, deficient, inadaquate' 6 letters. The first letter is 'M', the third letter is 'A', and the fifth letter is 'R'. Anyone know this one? Many thanks.
after i made my soup this morning i had lots of veggies left,i didnt want them to go off as i am here myself now(son leaves today)i have butternut squash,carrots,red and green peppers,courgettes i...
34 down straight lines from the centre to the circumference of a circle.
I have radii, it is the only word I can find that fits, it means plural of radius.
thanks in advance....
Thank you all for your best wishes. We had a roast beef platter in a pub with bread, pickle, salad, (could have had horseradish but don't like it). Really nice meal. Does anyone remember when pubs...
Was tonight's Egghead team called "The M62"s" the worse ever. Three of the team never got an answer right. They got 3 answers right in the whole programme, one person was involved with...