Hi, needing some help please. Violation (4,4) F?E? W?LL. Computer software facility (1,1,1). Union of those of different backgrounds (5,8) ???E? M?R?????. Comprehensive (4,2,4) ??O? B? ??O?. Supreme...
47a. group of performers. E??E??L? 91a. bestial deed. A?R?C?T? 111a. quietly humorous. D???L 114a. show of hostility. ??N???N???I?N 48d. drive out ( evil spirits ). ??O??I?E 104d. become subject to....
Can anyone help me finish bottom right corner? Many thanks in anticipation. 31(d) Suggestion of guilt (13) ?n?r?m?n?t??? 40(d) Extra period to settle a tied match (6,5) I think sudden death 61(d) Try...
Afternoon all, looking for alot of help please.Strong in adversity (5,7) ?T??? H?A?T?D - hearted, i think. Baronets title (3) S?R. Take (4,6) become a priest H??? ????R?. Nitwit (5,5) no clues. Firmly...
8D Traditional saying 5 a???e 18A Sharp ridge 5 ??e?e 49A Nullify 6 n??a?e 58D Herb of the mint family 8 m?r????? 63D Proofreaders let it stand 4 st?t 68D Manipulating 5 u???g 70A Property 4,6 ??a?...
18a Refuse to pay attention to a different region i?ne??
24a Ben is wanderinng around with Henrik, the playwright i?s??
20d Anger over Aga perhaps ????a...