50a prolonging (10) -u-t-i-i-g
22d use ruthlessly (7) e-p-i-t
I thought 22d was exploit but this would make 30a cast off (3,4,2. set sail on) wrong....
1A Secretive covert 11 ??a???s????
1D Maritime force 10 ????t??l?d
22A Girls public school 7 r??????
7D Plan in clever way 8 e??????r
47D Type of beer 6 ??t??r...
20d in a perfect world (7) -d-----
36a regarding (7) --o-i-g
53d be unwilling to act (4,4) --n-/-ck
56d warmly (7) -a---ly
52a make happy (7) -e----- nter Further Question Details Here......
hi folks need some help please, 83a, absence of mental anxiety (5,2,4) ?e??e/of/mind. 101a, excessively thin (7) ?c??w?o these letters dont look right. 87d, enter without invitation,(7) ?n?i??e. many...
17A Sailor 7 m?t???t 21A Suspicious of 5 l?e?? 59DBring into force 5 e???t 60D Arrange strategically 6 ???l?y 102A New modern 3 n?o 66A Quandary 7 d????m? 86D Begin to produce results 4,6 t??? f?e?t...
50a old school or college ---- mater (4) A - - A
62d brightly coloured shrub (4) A - - R
51a great quantities (6) O - - - E -
52d hagard looking (5) - - - - N
thanksfor your help...
hi stuck on some, all help is appreciated, thanks. 12a. tiny gas flame. ?I?O? ??G?T 14a. band of colour. ?T?I?? 17a. sung musical part. ?R?? 19a. satirical send-up. ??T?O?N 23a. plain cotton cloth....