What's your favourite videogame and why? Much as I've enjoyed current gen gems, my faves are still some of the SNES classics namely Super Mario World and maybe Donkey Kong too.
after an earlier posting about the outsiders an absolutly brilliant flim that many have forgot about until reminded, i wondered what other great films may have been forgotten?
Can anyone help I'm trying to revisit my youth and bring back some memories of sneaking in to clubs before i was meant to, but I'm having trouble remembering some of the songs of the time(must have...
As a lover of a good weepy I was wondering what films turned other ABers into snivelling wrecks? I have loads including the old favourites like ET!! My most recent one is Brokeback Mountain which was...
I can't believe anyone will know the answer to this but here goes.... When Runrig toured the year before last they had a young scottish guy supporting them (just him and a guitar). I would love to...
Thanks for the answers, but has anyone had the experience of an allergy/intolerance causing such a sleepiness? I heard Martine Navratilova talking about cheese causing her a similar problem!!
hey, i was watchin sugar rush the other night an heard a version of tainted love and it was a woman singing it, just wanted to no if anyone new who it was?
hi i am replacing both gaskets on my engine sump ive been told there is a aluminium one from the engine block and the one at the bottom where the oil sits when i replace them with new ones will i need...