14a Does she cultivate basil after her thyme primarily H?A???I?T (9) and 12d Body of men or body of man, close-cropped C?R?S (5) and 4d Pages dropped in sauce getting thoroughly soaked S?P?Y (5) -...
Still struggling with yesterdays Mail still - 13a Different books blongig to woman (5) O?H?? and 14d When leaving, has a teacher suffered intense grief ????T???? (9) and 5d Old accommodation woman let...
Help needed to finish yesterdays Dm 1d Swwdish city university educated Lapps first of all U?P???A (7) and 4d ....except when its gloomy starting off (previous clue is cover in a battered plant ....)...
Evening everyone, need a little help 1d Promising signs when booking calls (10&5) E?????M?N? R???S and 2d Raising my profile, for example, on short journey E?? ???? and 27a Energetic detectives...
Help please, stuck on small ones 20d Substance that's not far form 16s (pip) P?T? (pith?) and 25a Ditch a couple of hectares ?A ?A (2&2) and 27d Unknown individual region ?O?E (4) - thanks
Help appreciated - 1a Old broadcast beats despondency ????R??? (8) and 9a Deep desire for making money after end of study ????N??? (8) and 26d He's very heavy and may charge dosh R?I?O (5) - thanks
Help please 13a Popular diplomacy's not harmed I???C? (6) and 17a Little growth in one a pretentious person returned ?O???I (6) and 12d Old official appears in shire everywhere R?E?E (5) - thanks
Still struggling with yesterdays, help please 1d Drink's English but spirit's Chinese G?N?E?? (7) and 8d Showing igns of forgetting new sideline I'd scrapped ?E?I?E (6) and 12d Letter in Greek that...
Help please - 1a Not solid or liquid so usage is wasted ??S???? (7) and 12a Dessert; it upset old king at first - turf it out ????I ???T?? (5&6) and 21d Suddenly appear in work in something shabby...
Help......8a Border stitch that is on uniform P?R?I?U (7) and 13d Expose silver in fake euros? Thats shocking ?U??G?A?S (10) and 20d Old boat breaks perimeter after first pair drop T?I???E (7) and...
Help needed please 6d Cancel yearbook - article's missing A???L (5) and 10a It may be fine diverting plane to territory's borders P???L?Y (7) and 16d Run out and put in money? It's hit-and-miss R?N???...
Help pease ........6a Bentham's idea; odd units aim to guard unlimited military
U?I?I?A?I????? (14) and 5d It offers scant protection in bomb site ???Y (5) - thanks...
Help needed again please - 21a New routine developed for what physicists seek ?E???I?A and 13d Two 24s on the dinner table not produced bt 7 (24 is item and 7 is glass blower) - ?L??? G?A?S (5&5)...