A little bit tricky todsay I find - Help please 9a Group support progress check S???A?? (6) and 16a Base cut from chalk, a limestone ???A?? (6) and 18d Inform Geller about terrestrial ???????C (8) -...
Almost there thanks to the help 11a Money in Bucharest that is left over L?I (3) can only think of Lei and 22a Took weekend off as well T?O (3) just confirming too? - thanks
Help please- 9a Company takes blame for damaging old instrument C?M???? (7) and 4d Fools around, swapping pounds for pennies in hoax S???F (5) and 18d You could have met Wossnam in this match with man...
Help please 17a Chap crosses street, coming back with bottle G?T?Y (5) (guess at gutsy but dont know why) and 14a - Hostile international students I?L (3) and 21d Seasons ruined about 1st July in U.S....
Still struggling very grateful for help - 13a Patrons been working with fine member of cast ?E???????? (10) and 7d 19 perhaps in apartment with dog (not rare one) ??????R?R (9) (19 is social climber)...
Help needed badly today - 1a Wild fruit repairs sore joints ????H??? (8) and 1d It pushed down charge for memory stick ????O? (6) and 15a He'd correctly managed to trap current, producing power...
Help please 20d writer's set up in order to provide incentive I?p???s (7) and. 27a element in maturity, not active, undergoes change y???i?? (7) thanks
Not having a good week struggling with yesterdays - 10a Cartoon makers 'Alien Martian' garnared and (blurred i think its and) Oscar A?I?A??? (8) and 3d It qualifies another word slightly for example...
Yesterdays mail crossword causing problems, help please 6d Order U-turn concerning education N?R???? (7) and 12a Beside lake, wildebeast rolls over for a breather ???G (4) and 16a Entertain, playing...
Struggling today, help please 16d Make comfy seats and mostly hope results displayed ?????ST?R (9) and 25a - He observed stars, i.e. Algol perhaps G???L?? (7) and 23d An arguments said to be...
Almost there need help please - 13a Anxiety returned about start of action in plant Y???O? (6) and 14d Gallop over top of green line of hills ??D?E (5) - thanks
Help please 20d Catch group of italians up? N?I? 4) and 25a Commander of Euro-Russian space station ?M?? (4) and 30a Nabokov book: it all went wrong when love intervened L?L??? (6) and 22d - Chum runs...
Struggling today serious help needed please 23a Envoy, British, found in a service road, injured A?????A?O? (10) and 28a Admit a licence contains print style for foreign words I????? (6)and 30a Wee...
Help please - 15a Purpose of relocating job etc. O????? (6) and 19a Nuber engaged in edless pastime mix socially ?O???? (6) and 16d Crew members shy holding a bin-bag with no silver ????N ?O?...