Last few causing a problem, help 13a Preamble's not quite at the front (4&2) L?A? I? and 18d Wartime allies turned over houses to solve puzzle (6) ?U?O?U and 25d Kitty's daughter's amusement comes...
2d This helps to measure winds and name remote winds A?E?????E? (10) and14a Quiet fellow cracks a cryptic clue after training P??????L (8) and 3d Was the fuel he dumped somehow showing extravagance?...
1d Artist's broken leg; recovery's very striking E? G?E?? (2&5) and 12d Old official visits Yorkshire R???E (5) and 21d A British comic has to disconcert A???H (5) - thanks
5a Two English immigrants in Oz head ball ?O?P??(6) and 13a They replace broken bits and avoid rotating strap ????? P?R?? and 2d Narrownbam port and starboard crossing rough seas U?S?? (5) - thanks
1a Hide cold flask in different places at home ????S??? (8) and 23a Major surgery plan swapped with one in transit T?A?S????? and 9a Tuesday 3rd of June could be staggering ????E??? (8) - thanks
4d Redirect postage priest collected in strike ?T???A?R (8) and 10a Drank a little, harbouring large thought ??????E? (8) and 23d Seal offer, putting name in B?N? (4) - thanks
2d A card game in German and in full U???????? (10) and 3d Utter 'Drop fares at end of main roads' T??????H (8) and 19a He boxes clarinettist quietly at first (6) P?C??? - thanks
3d Semetic language of ancient Near East still spoken in Syria and Lebanon; linqua franca of Persian Empire from 5th centuy BC A??M??C (7) and 14a Faint constellation of southern hemisphere lying...
5d Poetic name for Ireland ??E?A?? ?S?? (7&4) and 12a Archbishop of Canterbury, originator of the ontological argument for God's existence (6) ???E?M and 27 Bavarian venue for an annual Wagner...