I'm looking for help. I don't know what is wrong, driving me NUTS. Bottom left hand corner. (99a) Destruction, damage (5) I have havoc (111a) Extreme (5) ????a (115a) Fountain in Rome (5) I have Trevi...
63Down. Enclosed compartment (7)?u????e I have funace but not sure.
76 Across.Squeeze with thumb and finger (5) P??a? the (a) is from furnace.
A help would be great, thanks in advance....
40a Staggers I have reels
41d Restaurant's offering (3,4)I have S?g menu
Can someone tell me this answer please as my mind has shut off,I just don't have a clue. Thanks in advance save....
I hope someone can help me as I going round in circles. Many thanks in advance. (14 AC) Fervently (7) e???o?y (6 Down) Unpleasant-looking (4) ???y ( I keep thinking ugly but does not help with the one...
11a.Trick (4,2) I have lead on but not convinced it is right. 44a. Venerate to excess A?o?o?e. mind is a blank with this one Thanks in advance for your help - been fighting this senior moment all...
10Across Wild or Untamed and finall proof - The Godfather mafia kill (5) ?e?a?.
I think I've made a error somewhere as I can't see the answer to this clue for looking at it. Thanks in advance...
99Across Kid's TV show (2,3) I have Me L?o but I think there is something wrong. I hope someone can help with the answer to this one please. I don't watch kid's TV these days. Thanks in advance
23down They helped to develop Blu-ray for the dreadfully nosy (4) ?o?y ( I've put body as I was thinking dreadfully nosy is busy body also Blu-ray discs are known as BD's) Any help please and Thanks...
21 Across A former pupil is gulping Jamaican liquor - what a dowdy person (5) ?r?m? I can only think of Trump or Tramp. I think T-rum-p (Jamaican rum) or is there something I'm missing Thank-you in...
(1Down) Determination (8) ???m?e?n
(3Down) Person who has a share or an interest in an enterprise (11) ???k?h?e?e?
Thanks in advance the old gery matter will not work....
17across Ignores (5) I have S?u?s it could be snubs or shuns. I've put snubs but just wondered what others had put in as the missing letters aren't needed for another clue. Thanks in advance.
89D Lacking vitality (10) l?s???s?r? 99D Information film (8) r???r?e? 105A Reject as invalid (8) ?i?a???? I hope someone can help please going round in circles with these 3. Thanks in advance. My...
31A. ????? Miller footballer (5) I have ?e?n? so it could be Benny or Lenny or even Denny - Kenny. Football is not my scene so HELP some kind person. Thanks a lot in advance.
17Down. A Scottish pudding made by Eliot & Co (7) I have C?l?t?e. I think it is an anagram of Eliot & Co but nothing looks or sounds right. Help someone please. Thanks in advance.
7D Wins by cheating (7) I have NOBBLES but I saw someone said NABALAS. I've tried to look this word up with NO joy I can't find it in any of my dictionary's. Am I having another senior moment....
Hi! I think I'm having a senior moment I was looking for 12Down Me Too dog, and I see some people have given the answer (Sampson) can someone explain "Please" I hope "littlemonkey" has got all the...