(11 A) George was one to beat the French(6) ?eat?? (7D) Came in front and after parking withdrew (8) P?s???e? Hope someone can help I think the cold has got to my brain. Thanks in advance.
113 across. Band, ---Camera (5) I have A?T?C which could be attic, antic,artic I have no idea. Please put me out of my misery only one I need. Thanking you in advance.
64 across Make best use of (3) 91 across Safe place of retreat (4,4) 91 down Cover completely (7) I have answers but don't think they are right. Thank-you for your help.
Has anyone had a problem with this crossword. 4down Rearranged word (7) anagram 6down Taste (7) flavour 12down Handgun (6) pistol 11across Jacket part (5) lapel 15across Estimate (5) guess 19across...
18 Across Cleo's snake is in the car with one of the Wise Men c??pa? (6) 19Down It's a cutting from a rose in Edinburgh - a famous French flower ??i?E (5) Thanks in advance
10 A. A flower in the Clyde or Forth perhaps ?i?e? (5) I thought of (river) can't think of a flower. 22D. A spot of trouble that arises from a stolen cake (4) ?c?e. I can only think of (ache) The old...