Is part of the AB Ed team muslim? Is that why people that criticize islam on AB are so harshly dealt with? In this country my forefathers fought hard against ruthless enemies to uphold our right to...
Did they make your head hurt? What was your favorite flavor? Did you use a straw or sook it up? I like blue. It made my tongue dark blue and I would stick it out at dogs, to scare them.
She sighed, and asked if it was ok if next time we did it two of her girlfriends came round as it would be more fun. What should I do? I'm unsure how to proceed as I don't know what this would do to...
That is accidentally stuck where the sun don't shine? I have tried everything, will it require a visit to A&E? I tried a corkscrew but the pain was unimaginable.
Yet like most men I get dragged around Tescos by the missus and it bores me to tears. I try to cheer myself up by secreting unlikely purchases into people's trolleys when they are not looking (ribbed...
And got flashed by the speed camera, but I was a bit drunk and driving on the wrong side, i.e.g. into oncoming traffic. Can I still get fined? I could not make out the speed limit signs as it would...
Is there any truth to them? Swiss.........boring Italians.......fat organized criminals french.........unhygeinic boors germans.......neurotic killjoys irish.......alcoholic argumentative types...