Please help! 1a. Must ask about fellow's cap for lancers (8) 15d. Fish left in dish at sea by navy chief (8) 31a. Immoral Scot somehow liked top royal embracing publishers (10) Thanks in advance...
We're stuck on seven today :( Any Ideas? M&A 8d. Is vessel done for in the navy? (8) We have S??T???? {spittoon?} 9d. Allow for posible bias from a night-time flier heard in East London (6, two...
Need help with last three clues please.
27A: It can prevent car bumpers interlocking O?E?R?D?R (9)
3D: Gave advantage L?N?F?T?D (9)
5D: NW (poetic) N?R ?E?T (3-4)
Thanks in advance...
Just two to go this week... 10a. In contact with Jane, perhaps, quoting dubious word in play (6) We have ?NE?RE 24d. Plunge into water with energy restored (4) We have ENE? Any ideas??? M&A...
22 across large but least industrially developed country of equatorial africa,[4] --a- ,15 down bibical hebrew phrase found in genesis usually translated formless and empty and describing the...
Real problems with Paul “Abstruse” McKenna today... SIXTEEN clues to go!! Any help gratefully received. M & A 1a Go to pull one’s cuffs out while around entrance to Eton College...
22d a???e poplar the first to be done in english capital. I think Bannsider and I are on different planets as I have no idea about this one, Thanks in advance for any help
What a difference to last week! Just need confirmation on two. 31 ac Fruit pie finally served by baker - leave the crust? (4) Is it OGEE 26 dn Duck that's seen over the border river? That's no duck!...
Tim Moorey is driving us insane today! PLEASE HELP --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 1a. Lump on horse's skin, and it is recurrent with rash (7) We...
Can anyone help with the following 37 a finds fault with R?P?E?E?D 66 a european country, I thought Denmark but have Arbroath for 26 down so starts with an H ? and finally 101 a time saving appliances...