Stick on a couple of clues if anyone can help. Thanks in advance 18a fight with a heartless memsahib in a coat c???a? 15d go ou from the beach to see every bobbing boat initially e?? 19d it grinds...
Stuck on 2 others if anyone can help
22d a special show for the grinchs village victims ?h?s
4d hey hes an obscure thonas hardy lover j???
Hi stuck on a couple of clues if anyone can help. Thanks in advance 25a prevents the free movement of picnic baskets ??m?e?s 4a what judges judy and rinder want only frozen water ??s?i?e 22d a special...
Hi stuck on a couple of clues if anyone can help. Thanks in advance 4d italian treats finally from capri clsssic caprese salads i?e? 21a the person to blame is heartless sally running aftr pat. ?a?s?...
Hi stuck on a couple of clues, if a yone can help. Thanks in advance 13d Report of a man wounded by a gun in a posting of promotional material ?a?l???t 24a mannerism or set behaviour found in a...
Hi stuck on a few clues. Thanks in advance 13d going over the limit with gins deep in trouble ?p?e?ing 16a a bee yes one is following the doctor cro?e 21 a poorly drained land thats muddy and really...
Hi stuck on a few clues if anyone can help. Thanks in advance 17d a travelling fee eric its navigable all year not frozen (3,4) i?e ?r? e 24a this small bit of land in the sea is rented out i?let...
Hi stuck on acouple more ifanyone can help. Thanks in advance
30a colour slightly t?s?e
33a in a regretful way w?s?f?n?y
43d russian billionnaire o?i?a?c?
Hi stuck on a few clues if anyone can help. Thanks in advance 11a Complete a course (2,3,8) ?? ??e i???n?e 1d partly grilled snack (3,2,5) ??? O? Treat 23a transfer to anothrr column or accounting...
Hi stuck on a couple of clues. If anyone can help. 7d the kind grin that develps when taking alcohol or having a cuppa r?i?k?n? 1a a couple of ducks in the med sounded like farm animals m?o?d Regards...
Hi stuck on a few clues if anyone can help.
9a jeered and teased american soldier on bed g?b??
7d nimbly avoid teds pies very crumbly s???s?e?
Hi stuck on a couple of clued if anyone can help. Thanks in advance 21a vampires lose their anger for flirtatious women ?a?p? 4d in addition returns to slamannan shortly a?d? Regards Geraldine...
Hi stuck on a couple of clues. Thanks in advance 49a family, relatives (5,3,5) ????h and brood 45d maturing a???? 53a held the deeds of ????d 49d large drifting mass of ice ???? Regards Geraldine...
Hi stuck on a few clues if anyone can help. Thanks in advance 8a wandering around outside will be tiresome and boring n?d?o?s 9a The commanding officer met one of santas reindeer ?? m?t 5d money thats...