Hi stuck on a corner if anyone can help. Thanks in advance
34d sincere ?r??
27d delicate ?r?g???
45a entangle ?????e??
46d reward ??u?t?
Hi stuck on a few vlues if anyone can he,p. Thsnks in advance.
27a find another home for r???c?e
23d holy place ?????e
33a shrubs with maeve flower ???l?s
Stuck on 2 clues thanks in advance
15 a complain tearfully (can't be whine as it definitely starts with an S)
64d regular complainer ?r?m?ler
Hi still struggling with 16a airless & hot. Arid doesn't fit at all. If either explicit or implicit is correct for 10d then 16a would either start with x or m.if anyone can help
Hi stuck on a couple of clues if anyone can help.thanks in advance
20d cause persistent irritation d?n?l?
59d units of electrical resistance o?n?
Hi stuck on a few clues if anyone can help. thanks in advance 1a Returned signal S???B?C? 17a Taken Aback T???D?R?????? 6d Perceptive A???E 38a Complaint ?B?D?E?T 58d Easily carried E??I???D 67a Outer...
Hi stuck on a few clues if anyone can help. thanks in advance 10d Interesting object S???T?C?E 18a Lift with great effort T?A?? 30a Religious devotion P??TY 55d Variety of pasta R??A???I 46d Show the...
Hi stuck on a few clues if anyone can help thanks in advance 22a Common phrases i?i?m? 25a Line that touches a curve t???e?? 50a Occupation P?R???T 49d Wrong a???s 53a In particular E?PE?????Y 56d...