I think the new wave comedians are cr@p, some come on and you think, who the hell are they Allan Carr to name only one, the others are too not funny to mention, years ago a comic had you laughing your...
.....if you are still about....I think you are doing yourself no favours. Posting as you have only reinforces the attitudes on here....and creates more anger.
Take some advice hun and let it go....
Am I the only one who thinks that you should wait until you have lived quite a long time before you write an autobiography? I was just reading a news report about Leona Lewis getting punched when she...
If money was no object, what would you change about yourself? I am very long-sighted and have had to wear specs most of my life or contact lens, laser treatment has never been an option because of the...
I don't understand why some , perhaps, long time posters, are not happy with the way things are now, Is it because the 'trolls' have been removed and there isn't any horrible back-biting and cruelty,...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1216479/Jack-Straw-BBC-debate-BNP-leader-Nick-Griffin.html Well at last it is going to happen, that is Labour are now prepared to share a platform with the BNP....