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marvin 57

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marvin 57
27d to exite or trouble
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marvin 57
1a in greek mythology ,a beautiful girl loved by eros(cupid),who came to personify the soul (6) 40a the first _,palestinian uprising against israel in the west bank and gaza strip in 1987 (8 i need...
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marvin 57
20 d in the US ,houses built from redish-brown sandstone (9) 6&28 across Former British Army Colonel famous for the speech he gave to troops in Iraq in March2003 (3.7) mind gone blank
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marvin 57
31 across _series,15 chemically-related elements with atomic numbers from 57 to 71 (10) 33 across to postpone or remit the punishment of someone condemned to death (8) stuck !!!
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marvin 57
a rosaceous plan t or shrub with five petalled flowers i just have not a clue please help thanks kr
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marvin 57
the generous bestowal of gifts,favours or money
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marvin 57
a generous bestowal of gifts ,favours or money
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marvin 57
the southern states of the us that joined the confederacy during the civil war

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