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Since nobody else seems to have even mentioned the passing of one of the world's finest musicians, here's a video to remember the great man by:
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I am a 25 year old vietnamese american man living in california and I have a fiancee who I was introduced to by family when I visited vietnam last time. I was supposed to marry her this summer and she...
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RIP ♥♥♥...
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12a Rodent eating unusual brie dish (7)????B?? 9d Never worried, accepting trade union with excellent source of finance (7,7) 7,CAPITAL...
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What is the fruit on the wild rose called? Answer: I don't know but I'll guess blackberry....
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....By Hypognosis - I wanted to add thanks to ABerrant for that link - a good find and lovely listening too. I would have added to the thread but no facility showing to do so. Felt it fair you were...
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Contestant who's dream job was aircrew, said it didn't suit as there was too much travelling! Bradley kept his cool yet again....
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As this is the WWW I don't want to enlarge on this issue at this stage but, would like to know where we stand regarding possibly the small claims court to retrieve some of our cash back to help...
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I loved his one liners and stories when he was on I'm a celeb...

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