Good day, help with the following would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
The surname of a UK chemist working in the field of molecular imaging ( 9 )...
Good evening, this one seems to be relatively straightforward. There are just three clues for which I'm seeking confirmation. Thanks in advance! 13a Government agency starts to grow conceited? Hard...
Good morning, I’m stuck on the following and would appreciate some help, thanks! 20a. Eppie fired up Burns no doubt, Texas Red might put it out. (5) : A?A?? 34a. Greek island is almost two miles long...
Good evening, I’m stuck on the following for which I would appreciate some answers. Thanks in advance! ACROSS: 2 More from one-time model getting *** reduced (5) : E?T?A (EXTRA ) 27 Mordaunt, a...
Good morning, Doc’s Uncle Victor is still tricking me. I am seeking a confirmation for the following Unclueds to ensure that I’m on the right track, thanks. 24a ?BOE ( OBOE ) 31a ITE? ( ITEM ) 37a...
Good day, answers would be appreciated for the following, thanks! ( Clashes appear in ten cells. A one-word description of the theme can be made using one set...
Good evening, I’m stuck on the following and would appreciate some answers, thanks in advance! 28a One top player receiving kiss, no longer a man? (7) : ?NSE??D 42a Cut right into fish, and dig in...
Good morning, I’m stuck on the following for which I would appreciate answers, thanks! ACROSS: 16 Tinware company backed predator (6) : ?????A 20 Bovine in old poem digs up underground stem (7) :...
Good day, can someone please give me the "same word"? With this, I should certainly be able to complete the Unclueds, if not I abandon. By the way, I have already prepared my bills for NACW and...
Good evening, some answers for Mr Magoo’s teasers would be appreciated! Thanks in advance! Across: 13 Nabs informer admitting pressure (6) : ????P? 18 Memorial to fish-keeper ignores a question about...
Good day, An answer to the following would be appreciated, thanks! 33d Support found in Eritrea, seldom (5): E?S? Seeking confirmation for the following Unclued letters, thanks in advance! 5d BL?WER?...
Good day, answers to the following would be appreciated, thank you. ACROSS: 13 Last old engineers preserving Troy (7) : E?????? 30 One’s pain crossing Oregon is bad (7) : I?????? 35 Heartless odist...
This is a final attempt at resolving this Doc’s offering. I see JANJAWID for 6d, but still do not see how it fits with the others. Before I abandon, can anyone tell me if my letters for the other...
Good afternoon, I’m stuck on the following from Doc’s offering for which I would appreciate answers, please! Thanks in advance! 29(A) Worried Australian ran away to historical East European area (7):...
Good evening, I’m about to end another learning experience from this one!I’ve got all of the Unclueds except 24a (?O???L ) and 28a(??ALOR). Help to unravel the following which are still confusing me:...
Good day, more help for Christmas Crossword 2022, thank you again! ACROSS: 26 See firm about to block fuel cut (7) : D????S? 36 Hint of pain women suppressed (5) : TI??? 66 Losing face, angry in...
Good day, another batch for which I am seeking answers. Many thanks in advance and Merry Christmas! ACROSS: 16 Bishop leaves drunkenly with flowing movement (6): ?O???? 17 Gently affected superiority... CHARITY CHRISTMAS PUZZLE 2022: As usual, the puzzle is made up of 40 clues that narrate a story. Each clue contains three definitions that lead to three answers and for each...
Good morning, I’m stuck on the following to complete this Jumbo Science puzzle. Thanks in advance for answers! 6, 34 Across Fungus that is the source of 28 Down and also lends its name to it (11, 6):...
Good morning, I’m stuck on the last three for which I would appreciate answers. Thanks in advance! 22 ( A ) Veteran acquired gun (3) : ?AT ( Thought of GOT ) 27 ( A ) Objects being finally stowed...