Good morning, answers with parsing if possible, would be appreciated for the following, please! Thanks in advance! 1 Short New Testament book with church story (7) 3 Face father, not upset (5) 4 Staff...
Just read over my solution to the puzzle and would like a clarification and parsing for this one, please! Thanks in advance! DOWN: 6 Workers removing top of Y-fronts (4) : ANT? ( I have ANTI, but...
Good day, all, an interesting offering from Doc this week! Got 4 of the unclueds already, but am stuck on the last two clues. Some HINTS to carry me through, please! Thanks in advance ACROSS: 29...
Stuck on the last four which must be quite archaic. Answers with parsing if possible would be appreciated. Thanks! DOWN: 4. Played like Donegan when light rain is over Germany. (8) : ?K?F?L?D 17....
Seem to be on the homestretch now that I've got the author, the poem and the ten words in place, but am still puzzled by a few clues. Thanks for last set of help! DOWN: 7 Hollow Leo scrunched tissue...
Good morning, Just HINTS this time to help me discover the poem, please! Many thanks in advance! ACROSS: 19 Drink last short (5) : PE?TE ( PEETE)? 24 Old hat £100,000, it’s restored by feather-dresser...
Some answers for the following to set me on the right track, please! Thanks in advance! ACROSS: 11 Mercury, say, in the sky (7) : ???N?NT 12 Joanna shrinks following advance of insects (5) : ???A? 15...
ProfessorMaisie, I'm hooked on this puzzle now. Some verification, please...Am I right with the following? ACROSS: 1 ATTRACT, 6 CHIEF, 16 BEAT, 20 TATE, 21 LYOMERI, 33 OMER DOWN: 1 AROW, 29 CORD - The...
Trying to crack this one, but am stuck on the following. Answers please with parsing if possible. My thanks in advance! DOWN 2 Ablutions a burden - I suffered internally (7) : A?????? 3 Put sailor up...
I'm tempted to abandon, ProfessorMaisie, as I seem to be out of my league here, but give me the answers and I'll try again to see how far I can get...Thanks in advance! 2 - 'I' + (3 letters)...
Answers for the following from this week's Cryptic Connections Puzzle (Telegraph ) would be appreciated. Parsing please, if possible and many thanks in advance! 2 Old philosopher's visit to welcome...
Thanks to the invaluable assistance of JJ109 and Greyfox, I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Just a final clarification for these two, please! ACROSS: 13 Captivated European by force...
Good Saturday morning, I would like some answers, with parsing if possible, to the following to get me off the ground, please. Many thanks in advance! ACROSS: 13 Captivated European by force almost...
Good day, I'm on the ball and batting well with this interesting Doc offering! I'm seeking HINTS only for the following to complete this one. Many thanks in advance! ACROSS: 14 17 regularly discloses...
I am stuck on the following 3 Cryptic connections of the weekly Telegraph puzzle. Answers with parsing would be appreciated. Many thanks in advance! 1 About time to hug new chaps for stimulation (11)...
Still in the dark with the following and seek answers, please ! Thanks! ACROSS: 15 Rapidly put away card, not large one in pack (7, two wds) : M?L?C?? 16 Devils Gauguin cubistically captures (6):...
Good morning, I'm stuck on the following and need some answers to get me on the right track. Thanks in advance! ACROSS: 14 Incompetent person of great status (7): ??????E 15 Rapidly put away card, not...
I'm stuck on the last three and would like to have answers with parsing, please. Many thanks in advance! ACROSS: 31,17. Unfortunate blockage bit the dust in Baghdad. (6): ?A??A? ( EARWAX?) DOWN: 2....
Good evening, I'm stuck on the following for the weekly Telegraph Cryptic Connections quiz. Answers with parsing, if possible, would be appreciated. Many thanks in advance! 1 Garbled words to describe...