Some answers for the following, please: 21 Maybe Scottish Electric's in liquidation after departure of retiring engineers (6) ??A??? 22 Encouraged the Italian in bar to get high (5-2) ??P???P...
Greetings! And a bright and happy New Year to you all! I would appreciate some answers for the following, please! ACROSS: 6, 24 down. Office junior with an eight-hour week? G????R???? 18. Right...
Need some help and answers for the following please! Many thanks in advance! 1 The house that is all that remains of the Palace of Whitehall is where down-and-out... (B) ???GRA?? (C) B?OOM??? 3 being...
I am seeking verification for the following, please! Thanks in advance! ACROSS: 12. Big in California, well developed in all aspects, and with escape routes cut off. (10) ?U?R?U?D?D I have SURROUNDED,...
Some answers for the following,with rationale if possible, please: 19. Breathe heavily around Attorney-General and point to spectacle. (7) ?A?A?N? 27. Foretell apes will go bananas. (4) ?P?? 18....
Some answers for the last three I'm stuck on, with the rationale if possible, please: DOWN: 12. Fabric, after date expiration, initially gets the chop. (10) C?I???R?D? 15. Poor clown imprisoned by...
I need some answers to the following, please! Thanks in advance! ACROSS: 9 A vessel starting to show small cracks (3-6) 13 Being relatively unsuccessful, managed by playing to audience (15) 21 Tender...
Good evening! I would like to have the answers for the following, please: DOWN: 5 Worry what to do with Bart Simpson's shouts? E?O 6 It's sweet to get some easy rupees: S?E?P 7 Fashionable, departing...
Some answers for the following will be appreciated, please! Thanks in advance! ACROSS: 28. Chart measurement first comes to fishy conclusion – it’s 11 down! (4,4) ??M????L DOWN: 17. Sounds like...
I would like to have answers to the following, please! Thanks in advance! ACROSS: 1. It’s 11 down, or it comes back to me with nothing. (5) ?O?E? 10. Removes restrictions, though it’s somewhat...
The answers for the following, please with a rationale if possible: ACROSS: 16 The answer is correct ( 3 ): T?E DOWN: 17d/15a The French expression of disgust - - one that's no good? Then dupe, and...
Good day, some help with the following will be appreciated, thank you: ACROSS: 14 Japanese carving captures little musical instrument (7): N?T?A?? 25 Tally and finish with a rider ( 7 ): A???R?? DOWN:...
These last two are still puzzling me, some help, please! 20a - Norm has a sharp stick, in a manner of speaking(8): ???W?N?E 21d - Help a US mountain resort(5): ??A?L Thanks for your help in advance!...
Help for the following please! 10a - Big Gaelic fool in the bog! ( 6 ) ?I?A?S 23a - She was a first bairn - John's oddly - very oddly! ( 4,4,7 ) ???A?I?D?O?N?O Many thanks!...
Some help will be appreciated for the following please: 1a Brass and slate vessel (8): ?A?????? 20a Picture takers like river in Ireland( 8 ): ?????AM? 22a Draw close, at first, in nocturnal habit(7):...
Some answers for the following will be appreciated, thanks: 1a Old wife to claim freebie from party(8,2 words): ???D?B?? 20a Special toy for child with which to paint(8): ?????D?? 31a Such a...
Seeking answers for the following with parsing if possible, please! 32a Hardly the headgear that's worn around work(7, hyphened): ??????A 42a A blushing leaseholder (13, two words): ?????ER?????? 4d A...