All clues lead to the name of a form of transport - land, sea or air. Last 4 and I am at a dead stop, any help would be appreciated. 1 Hang on! Don't let it send you up the pole. (4) 2 Of no use. Go...
7d. place key to races, just about. (9 letters) 1d. popular plant life (11 letters) 12a, bits by a city mostly (5 letters) - - O - S 26a. go to church on sunday with a little trepidation (7 letters) -...
21a- sailor with an injury left at the bow ?a?c?r 22a- theres very little fighting over a period such as the present one ??c?t?d? 26a- animal deprived of tail is not sweet ?r?t 22d- key - it gets...
4d Socialist scrap might attract a charge (3,3)? I had Red Cap - based on Socialist - Red Scrap contains the word Cap and Redcaps are the military police and therefore you could receive a charge from...
3d conic section formed by the intersection of a right circular cone by an oblique plane that doesn't intersect its base. 7 letters: e??i?pe 26d Imaginary line on the surface of the earth passing...
Problem with mail on sunday prize crossword 33a and 34d For 33a, composer of peer gynt (5) I've got Ibsen, but this doesn't fit with 34d, Steve___, crocodile hunter died 2006 (5), which I believe is...
4a huge article on obscurity of member of two unions ?i?a???? im thinking gigantic? 11a foreigner get affection in three ways s?o???? is there such a word as slovene? 8d lost bets about fellow from...
1a: Office of bishop of rome (6): ????s? 4a: Distressingly inadequate (8): ?a?????c 10a: Self propelled carriage (7): ????o?r 13a: Branch of knowledge (informal) (5): ????y 27a: To go off at this is...
All answers are sporting venues, personalities, terms etc. 1. relishes (7) 2. double a 'score' (6,2 or 6) 3. one way of doing eggs (9) I did think scrambling but that is 10 letters. 4. feel with...
hi quite a few i'm stuck with get the stick for going up and down (4) clarify the matter (6) sophy, sickly child consumed some medicine (6) make hostile sergeant suffer (8) camera came out with the...