I have 4 questions and 4 answers left, that I can't match up. Please can you help me match question and answer?That's assuming all the other answers are correct of course! Questions:4)A major... ...
all phrases or sayings 5) C C U 6) A S in the G 7) I C of E 16) T G to B T 25) E D I 28) G the N 31) T T of T I 36) H T and G T 37) T I E any help appreciated
Answers are place names which contain an animal 44 a plaçe of refuge or concealment or used by troops as a shelter (7) 47 each of a number of strips forming a framework used in... ...
The answers to the clues are songs by singers who sang in Q 1-28 of the quiz 31)Me-a stone 32)The way to get over the rapids 35)Camera I broke in the States 28)A small common bird 41)Does this tune...
All answers are children's toys and games. Quiz available from Burgess, 4 Maxwell Street Dalbeattie. Closes23 June. Too small to be a washing line. 2No strikes on this washing line. 3Not doing any...
Relatively new to Twitter. How can you be sure that some people on it are the people they say they are? For example, a celebrity with their profile on show-are they real or imposters....
Lochend and New Abbey Quiz - Places in Dumfries and Galloway, due date 31/08/22. Question is "Rooster or shrub?" (Possible answer might be CORSOCK - anagram (from ?) of COCK ( from rooster) OR (given)...
1 The destination of the wicked homo sapiens (8)
2Mountain ash less 1st epistle+ biggest plants (10)
3 Has a good lineage (8)
Twynholm SWI quiz
any help appreciated...
Meet around here
Ram at a roundabout
Is found outside a dungeon
Month shortly, gets a note and returns
thank briefly for the unknown
Thanks for all help...