39 down lacking unity b?t?y
76 down doctor`s conduct guide 7-6 m???c??e??i?s
82 down standard computer font re????i??
112 across disreputable people t???r??f...
77d smarter? - ?a???e?
87a maintenance - a?a?e??
Think I must have some wrong letters cause nothing seems to fit. Hope somebody can help.
Thanks in advance....
22a, elaborate introduction, ??n????
27a, any sugary confection, s???t????
19d, one fleeing their country
i think my brain is on strike today, thanks for any help...
5 across transpositions of the initial consonants or consonant clusters of pairs of words s--o-e---m- 11 across gaudy flashy -h-w---s- 4 down combination of style and vigour e-a- many thanks in...