does anyone know how i might be able to find out who a number belongs to on my mobile bill, ive tried calling it but it says the person isnt able to take your call now. i know for a fact i havent...
I just replaced my phone battery for my samsung Z400 and although I fully charged it on Saturday it has now gone down to 2 bars even although I've hardly used it, it has been on standy since the...
I have a Nokia 7373 and the ringtones for it are rubbish.All I want is a basic 'ring' especially an 'old fashioned telephone' ring.
I cant seem to find any on line.
Any ideas please
I have recently purchased a shogun with blue tooth built into the radio, the system installed is sony erricson, anybody know if I will be able to use the system with another make of mobile...
I have had a new nokia n95 and notice that there is a radio on there, if i use it will i get charged?? I'm with O2 if that makes any difference - thanks in advance
My phone is on the o2 network and in the last month I have topped up three lots of ?10 (to keep my credit going lol) I heard if you top up ?10 you get 300 free texts (I know this is true as I've done...
Hi, I've just gpt the new G600 mobile, but can't find the apostophe in the text message mode?? I don't use predictive text and can't find it anywhere!! Can anyone help?
This might well seem distasteful to some of you or (as it did to me) someone getting their just desserts but Sunday just gone a well-known boy-racer in our village had his car written-off as he was...
i want to put a password on my phone so that when i open it (flip phone) it'll ask for a password but i dont know which option it is and i dont want to ruin my phone phone lock sim lock pin lock...
i downloaded utorrent yesterday as i wanted to download a movie. left it downloading all night and this morning it has " seeding " in brackets next to it although it says the download is complete. can...
My girlfriends who lives 50 miles away has just phoned to say she has wasps in an airing cupboard which is in a spare bedroom. Not sure where they are getting in, possibly via a boiler vent. Does...
Which part of your car has to be over the start of the double yellow line to get caught? Is it your wheels on the line or the extents of your car over the line?
When I boot up my pc bios finds primary hdd as master and a cd / dvd rom as primary slave, however once Windows is up and running I have no access to the cd rom, drive D is not shown as an option in...