a few left. 2d.decipher note- expulsion order in blue, possibly(10) I have ?n?????b?e and 3d.Lime withered, throttled by a round climbing plant (8) I have ?r?m???a,10a. find missing deliveries -...
help please, three left. 24d)In telecommunication, a unit of data transmission speed for a modem equal to one bit per second (4) I have ?a?d, 52a)term for an adult wild hawk caught for training (7) I...
just 2 left please, 20a. derived SI unit of magnetic flux density (5) I have t?s?l and 25a. town souht of Preston in Ribble Lancashire (7) I have L?y?a?m Thanks a lot
Just 2 left, help please! 6a) Blood-fine paid by murderer in old Irish law(4) I have ?r?c and 17d) Family which includes goats and horses (8) I have ?a?r?n?e . All help gratefully accepted. Thankyou!
Just 2 left now please, 16d, territory consisting of 10 cities north eat of ancient Palestine (9) D?c???l?s and 23a) Recover goods that had been seized (7) L???e?y, thanks a lot, it was hard today!
Really struggling with this one! 1a)Greener type of diesel engine (6,3,6) S?u?s?/??p/???t?? and 14d)Larvae of this beetle feed on woollen fabrics (6,3) S?r?e?/??? would be a big help please, thanks a...
Just 2 left, 15d)Village in Leicestershire or Shropshire (8) I have o?ba???n and 24a) Volcanic island in Indonesia partially destroyed by its eruption in 1883 (8) I have ?r?k???o. All help much...
Just one left , please help 43a. In Mathematics, the fractional part of a logarithm after the decimal point (8) I have m?l?i?s?. all asistance much appreciated
Just 3 left, but they all interweave! 1d. Tears small page (4) I have ?e??< 2d. Single chap disheartened & glum (6) ?o???n & 10a. Initial odds interpreted in broadcast (6) ?????d. All help...
VERy obscure today. I have several left but these may help with the others. 23a) wonderful lord, popular designation for god in Sikhism (either spelling) (8) I have R?h?????, although the R could be a...
VERY obscure today. Several left of which one or two are:- 23a) Wonderful lord, popular designation for god in Sikhism,(either spelling) (8) I Have R?h????? , although the R could be a W. 14a) role of...