1ac pratice between fencers (5,3,6) ????t and ??e?c? 8 dn surveying instrument formely used for measuring distance and heights (6.5) ?a???? ????? 9 ac fattened in a stable or cowshed (5,3) ???l? f??...
2 left rare or poetic word for candlestick or torch l?m?a? + river ?o?t?m alluvial land alongside margin of waterway in U.S. all I can think of is bottom, that can't be correct can it? All help much...
2 to find samanoid species of fish endemic to the great lakes, b?s?? and invertebrate marine organisms in the phylum that includes jellyfis and sea anemones, c?r?e any help much appreciated, thankyou
HI NIGHTHAWKS, be glad of assistance with following 18 ACROSS (15) (6-3-6) court call for each and all? How very british! _N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I_ 14 DOWN (5) ANOTHER 4 TO THIS NUMBER WOULD BE...
Does anyone know an old West Country Song with the chorus,Hows Yer Father....Alright? I remember my late dad taking us to a pub in Beer in Devon years ago when we were kids and all the locals were...