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good morning. I just need to check on one, as it does not seem right.14d prestigious motor races, 6 and 4 letters. Is it Grande Prix.? Otherwise I have gone wrong somewhere. Thanks for your help...
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Not sure of two last ones. 11a. That's Bill,next to Tom's mate(5) why is this Tabby? 18a. toilet requisites from Avon? (9) I make this Bathcubes but should be two words not one? Many thanks.
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7d.Chesterton's man's offspring-one who has far to go?(9,5) Why should 1a be Pieces of eight? 26a Be exceptionally cruel according to Hamlet,striking the man with stick twice(8,5)...
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I am really stuck on three - Help! 2d. Fortified drink embarassed old lady (3,5) Red ???D? 12a.Revealed block in strangely ideal setting(4,4) L??? B?R/ 19d. Wild animals precisely in the middle of...
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Find this very hard! 6d.Gnome doesn't exist?Its impossible to know(5,2,2,6) T???E ?? ?O ?????? 15a.Does he return in disguise,secretly? (5,3,4) ????? ?H? ???? 16d. Samson ultimately in fix declared...
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two clues I may have got right, but not sure if answer is correct! 22d - ASSOT or is it ASSET? 18a. - REAVE only one I can think of Many thanks
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Stuck on last few. 16d.the umpire takes aggregate as a result (9) T?E?E???E dont see why it should be therefore?if decahedron is corect for 27a. on river going round stems of reeds &...
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10a. This should be Citation but I have 4d as EIRE giving ?I?A?R?N - please solve riddle! 33a. A large mass of rock. B?E?DE? what on earth is this!
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Star turning 49 on 8th June 4,8 - I have these letters - anyone any ideas? UIANLLHKCKMC
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Still struggling! 27a.She's in love with her boyfriend-or is she(5) why should this be Doris? 7d.Medicine for distressed curate in cathedral city(9) ??e?t???? 16a.Less brutal way to be a conqueror(9)...
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Cannot get started on this at all! 1. vessel used in a service in church(6)could be censer? 20.rodent's breeding frenzy holding up Noah's work(7) gophers? Any help please!
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answer is a star name 4 letters and 8 - I have the following; IALRPLIASZPH Any ideas?
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Need help with a few please - cannot make out Picture A at all. 11a.Tough paras around signs(10)?U?O?????S 4d This pin enough to hide row of bones(5)???N? 17a.Picture A (5) ?E?A? and explain please so...
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As usual big struggle with this! clue 11a.Tough paper sheets located in Gujarat(5) I make it KETCH but do not know why? 17a. I presume is KEEP BACK but not at all sure. 14a ISRAEL? Please enlighten -...
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Bellringer - where did you verify Croupier - I had the answer but could not verify?
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Finding this really hard! 5d.Trouble in the year that never was !(3) I have Sponsor for 1a but cannot get 1 down 'Oil pollution !eft leaking from the French cutter (6) S?C?L? 2d I have as Opporto but...
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17a.Nightcap?It's a possibility(1-4-2-3-4) I have a turn of the card but cannot make it fit with anything else! Any clues?
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Just cannot get these. 20a.Birds eggs amassed by one on board 5,4. R?O?S ?A?N 24a.I exhaust myself backing those honourably discharged(7) E?E?I?I 25a. Fog in Home Counties after being unsettled 3-4...
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Cannot get 13a. Expecting not to have been blackballed ?2,3,4. IN THE ?L?W Find this puzzle difficult,never sure I have right answer! is 19d Entrain and 25a Sperate?? Many thanks you brighter sparks!
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97d. absence of the sense of smell. ANOSMI? cannot make up my mind anosmia or anosmic - any advice?

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