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We have an extremley large pear tree some 10 - 12m high very close to the house and we need to either cut it down or reduce its height by over half. The fruit is sharp and useless so there's no love...
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In or out of the fridge - how should we store eggs?
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I bought a lemon and zested it for a cake recipe today. Any suggestions for the remainder of the lemon?...
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I have a glut of courgettes and thought I'd make some ratatouille to freeze for the winter. I like it on a jacket spud or on rice for a quick midweel meal. does anyone have a tried and tested recipe I...
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A few years ago we went to Fife on holiday and I remember calling into Glenrothes for some food shopping. Now I see that my Amazon purchases are dispatched from there and I'm curious to know whether...
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Can anyone see a reason why we can't answer this Q? http://www.theanswerb.../Question1046913.html...
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...for a while they must be away. I was looking for a tip for Newmarket today but instead went with my own picks and lost my money!...
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We live in a area which is popular with tourists, so to avoid the traffic at peak times we do a big shop at the begining of the school holidays and then just pick up a few odds and ends locally for a...
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I liked this and thought you might too.
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Does anyone have any tips for coping with dry eyes? I have seen a specialist at the hospital and had every type of drops going but i fear I will just have to live with it now. After a year of it, its...
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Its fantastic but at the same time I'm watching from behind my hands as they disect the thing. Isn't this woman from New York something else?!
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The 2011 tour of the musical "All the Fun of the Fair" starts next month with David Essex in the lead role. Rehearsals must begin anytime now but as I don't watch Corrie I was wondering if...
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I've stolen this idea form Radio 2 but having just read a great "tenuous link" on the Rowan Atkinson thread, I thought we'd have thread for your most tenuous links to ................. lets...
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Last week we noticed an ants nest on the edge of the lawn? We said to each other that a Green Woodpecker would enjoy that. This afternoon, low and behold, a Green Woodpeacker popped in and had a...
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You on duty tonight Chris? If so you have mail. Thanks...
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I've been thinking today about all of the people who do difficult jobs or really dull jobs. If you are one you have my sympathies. Which three jobs would you least like to do? Mine are 1 - Abattoir...
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We're home this evening after a few days in Kent. Yesterday we went to the British Golf Open in Sandwich, Kent - it was wet and windy but enjoyable all the same. What a wonderfully worthy winner we...
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I tried to email about 8 photos to a friend today (chose medium when asked which size I wanted to use???) They went as attachments using Windows Live but the email can't deliver. Its giving me...
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How do I treat cababge whitefly ogranically? If heard of boiling up rhubarb leaves and spraying them with it, but I don't have any rhubarb leaves. Any other ideas? (I have plenty of the blighters on...
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Any news on play resuming soon or is it still raining?

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