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Dee Sa
if so would some kind soul bring me back a WHATS ON magazine, they are free and not heavy, you can pick them up in most hotels but the best thing to do is ask reception to give it to you as you check...
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Iggle Piggle
Cos it looks like the clouds are building up :-(...
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Any of you who didn't know that Yorkshire wasn't full of 'dark satanic mills' tempted to visit due to the Tiure de France coverage?
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Wimbledon ladies final ceremony ... they keep going to a lady in crowd with long brown waivy hair looks mid 30's is she a partner , a family member , an ex player , a coach or a politicain or...
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drives me mad having to keep changing the channel to follow a match but what happens if people are recording it?
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At Bucharest airport it is possible to buy alcohol and other products on ARRIVAL instead of on DEPARTURE. If all airports did this it would avoid the problem of liquid explosives being taken on board....
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I thought this looked quite interesting............will watch next week - is the little boy Kasim her son?
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Really don't get what all the hype is about A couple of years ago the Tour of Britain came near to where we live en route, so we went along where we waited for around an hour while the crowd cheered...
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I need to buy a suit for my son for sixth form, he only has a 28 inch waist but needs a 33 inch leg. I have looked at every menswear site I can think of, but nobody seems to have a suit that will fit...
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What is your favourite fresh fruit?
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I know a chap, a semi-pro entertainer, who featured a Jake the Peg routine in his repertoire. In light of the recent news he'll probably not be doing it again. What should he do with Jakes peg?...
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No football tonight now we watch some TV Corrie, Celebrity Masterchef
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Hi, If I take a picture at work (preschool) and it isn't of the children and post it on fb dureing work time can work make me take it down?...
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First of all the water level has gone right down and now it keeps making gurgling noises and big bubbles of water burst on the surface. I keep thinking some creature is going to pop up out the loo....
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I cannot believe the insensivity or thoughtlessness of ITV there was a song on Benidorm ITV last night with someone at a karaoke singing two little boys by rolf harris just one day after he is...
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Had to have one of my molar teeth taken out this morning :-( On the 'aftercare' leaflet they gave me it says to avoid drinking out of a straw. Why would this be? It also says do not rinse mouth for 24...
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Just watching dispatches, apparently 50p per unit minimum pricing would save 1000 lives and save £5bn. So what do we think ABers?...
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I am unsure whether this should be in law, home or travel but here goes. A Polish colleague of mine and hes polish partner had just been blessed with twins, both have lived in England for around 7...
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currently just sat upon my computer, contemplating the possible idea of a cup of tea.. but realizing if I make one for myself, One would be obliged to make their whole office a drink.. unless one was...

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