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time to crawl into the basket with Andy !!!..been up since 4.30am pooped..see you all tomorrow...god bless...
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Kids all in bed, bags packed, uniform ironed for when we get back, cider in fridge for when we get back and even got space for my pillows in the suitcases - holidays here we come . (PS - sorry to...
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I have just received a penalty charge which includes a photo of my car just entering the bus lane. The bus lane is about thirty metres long and there is no other car in site or bus in the lane.. I...
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john barrowman voted rear of the year,cant stand the smarmy git, dont suppose he would think much of me what a load of rubbish, rear of the year my bum
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bastards are taking advantage of the chaos and panic of last weekends computer mess and trying to use the 'payment pending' con to get people to click on a link....
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Onwards and Downwards Continues in June Hi Everyone, We were looking forward to the warm weather in last month's thread, well we got it didn't we? Interested to hear about Jan's new wobbler and...
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I have just been listening to 'The Pickerskill Detentions' on radio. The episode had PW in the cast. I have not seen or heard of him since Department S. Does anyone know what he has been doing since...
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as anyone got any ideas for a birthday party for brother and sister who share a birthday... its hard to think because of the age gap.... the little lad will be one and his sister nine.... thank you
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I have just had confirmation that the job is mine!!
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We live in new terraced houses with small gardens and everytime our neighbours go in there garden for a cigarette , there cigarette smoke comes through our kitchen window and patio door into our...
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Hi, I would be very grateful for any support and advice. I am a sole trader in vintage painted furniture. 4 months ago, I sold two small pieces to a buyer in another part of the country. Despite my...
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Even if somebody gave me say £50 and said eat an olive, or an anchovy, there is no way I could do it without throwing up.Or cauliflower - bleugh!
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I understood that Sunday had to be kept quiet but the pub next door to me is having football outdoors with a PA system and other jollifications. they have a music licence which requires them to keep...
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Hi everyone - my sister and I want to buy my parents something for the home or preferably garden for their Diamond Wedding Anniversary. Something practical would be nice as they have plenty of...
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1. Usually found along the beach promenade. 2. Sheer destruction. Any help much appreciated, Thankyou....
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Please help me to finish off this week's annoying crossword, who's ever heard of up-train??????? 17a Italian dessert of egg yolks, sugar and wine - A - A - L - O - E 40a Relating to a particular group...
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Just been upstairs to close the blinds on the front windows. As I was doing this I noticed that my over 60's neighbours have a full sized advertising board for women's underwear in the boot of their...
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its a very sad time again, losing my much loved sister on monday gone. Bless her heart, she was wonderfull. This may be played at her funeral hopefully. I loved her and my bro who passed away last...
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...I've been watching ITV1 today and in almost every commercial break there was and ad for a travel comparson site called Kayak.Has anyone esle seen this,its using brain surgery as a theme in a most...

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