5 down please, skilled craftsman a-t---c--. Also 6down, Foreign policy based on money, D-l--/D---o---y? Brain not in gear this morning, thankyou very much.
My king charles cavalier, Bailey, has recently had an anal gland infection. He was prescribed amoxylin but was left with a yellow mucus discharge which was so sticky it made his bum fur rock hard. We...
My king Charles Cavalier, Bailey, recently had an anal gland infection and was prescribed amoxylin. This didn't work so he was given a 2 week course of Clynicin,( another antibiotic,) after which he...
Stuck on three, 26A Arranged carefully S-----, (6 letters)21A It's found to the rear of the skull H-----A-N (9 letters) and 18D Carried along __R__. (5 letters) I think the first one may be styled but...